
Last week our school hosted a Weetbix triathlon with Horeke School and Mangamuka School.
The students had fun working in mix teams with all three schools together.
Each team had 6 members the students got to know their team by creating a flag, a logo and a chant to for their team. They started by doing 3 laps of the school field! It was such a long way for the new entrants. Next the students had to cycle down the road next to the school. The last part was to swim 3 lengths of the school pool. They had to do this twice!
Here are some photos of the day. The students finished with a sausage sizzle and an icey slice 🙂

Class Blogs

We have had a few issues with our class blogs. Most of the students have commented into their blogs this week. They are learning arrays to understand multiplication. Each student has typed in their blog and added a photo. This was a little challenging as the photos were not all the right direction. Here are some of our images.

Our drawings of arrays

We created blocks in different ways

Isla’s understanding of arrays above.

Bringing our characters to life

Today we have used Chatterpix Kids app to bring our Bitmoji characters to life. We learnt to talk about our selves and says things we would like to do. Here are some examples of our work. We would love to know what you think. From the Kotare class at Umawera school.

Hi I’m Jaxon I’m 7 years old. I’m go to Umawera school in New Zealand. I like ice cream with chocolate sprinkles. I live with my sister and brother. I like writing. In the summer I love when I have a swim at the end of the day.

Hi my name is Awa.  l  go to Umawera School. I like to go outside and play.